Door Supervision on Friday and Saturday nights
Supervisory spend can prove costly.
Maximising Trading Potential
What are your options for maximising your trade?
Trading Later Hours
Don't assume anything with opening hours.
What if you get a conviction for drink driving and want to apply for a personal licence?
Testing extended hours – the power of TENs
Testing extended hours – the power of TENs
Late Night Economy
What would the introduction of a Late Night Levy mean to me?
Drunk in Charge of a Gaming Machine
Understanding your responsibilities for vulnerable people
Personal licence holders query
How many personal licence holders do I need?
Changing your operation
Points to consider if you are considering extending your opening hours
Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
Timescales between events
Possession of a personal licence
Should a member of staff carry their personal licence with them?
Later Trading for the Christmas Period
Do not go over your allowance of TENs because, if rejected, your can't honour bookings.