I would like to sell different curries and complement them with craft beers
What do you advise as my starting points?
Showing live sports in pubs
Is there anything I need to be aware of?
Jazz Festival
Are there any restrictions I need to consider?
The 499 People Rule
I am proposing an event for 800, what should I do?
Music Services
Can I use internet music services in my pub?
Top tips for World Cup TENs
The do's and dont's of issuing Temporary Event Notices
Licensed for music but it’s too hot in the pub
Do I need to vary my licence?
Bike race is set to pass my beer garden
Do I need a temporary event notice for my customers to drink outside?
Getting permission for a marquee
Can customers take their drinks outside the marquee?
Threat to licence after noise complaints
I have been served with a noise abatement notice - what can I do?
Licensing preparations for a village festival
What licensing issues do I need to consider?
Can I show upcoming rugby matches on TV?
Do I need regulated entertainment on my licence?