A. This is not a straightforward proposal. You should ensure that you have proper legal advice well in advance of the event as there are a number of issues which should be considered, some of which are listed below.
1. You may require either a Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notices for the sale of your craft beers and maybe even the provision of hot food and drinks. There is a consultation period for both, so early advice is essential.
2. You may require your Local Authority approval and also register your food business.
3. You and your staff should be aware of food safety and hygiene legislation, so training may be required.
4. You may need to check your planning authorisation and obtain advice in relation to environmental health issues, health and safety and fire safety requirements.
5. Food management procedures are also important. For example, keeping a record of suppliers of food and ingredients. You will be required to provide an accurate description and have knowledge of the contents of your curries.
6. Remember to arrange for waste and recycling collection.
7. It also may be worth you compiling a risk assessment to address those instances where a customer, in error, feels he can handle a seriously hot Vindaloo.
For further information on this issue or any other licensing issue contact solicitor Steve Burnett on 020 3859 7760.
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