Legal Highs
What approach should I take to 'legal highs' if discovered on my premises?
Variation of an external area within the red line
Do I need to submit a variation to include an external area?
Music Services
Can I use internet music services in my pub?
Hot Drinks Vending Machines
Can hot drinks land me in hot water?
Stake and prize limits for equal chance gaming
What are the limits?
Live Music Act
Can I ignore a condition on my licence?
Sale of Alcohol to 16 and 17 Year Olds when Order a Table Meal
Can I refuse a sale?
Breach of use of external areas
Will I lose my licence?
Review Proceedings
Can I attend the review?
Personal Licence Expiry Date
Are we ok to ignore the expiry date shown on the personal licence?
Possession of a personal licence
Should a member of staff carry their personal licence with them?
Displaying Cigars in a Pub
Am I able to display specialist cigars in my pub?