Published: by Suraj Desor
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“Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council have made the decision to remove the existing cumulative impact special policy in force in areas of Bournemouth as part of their recent licensing policy consultation. This includes the Town Centre, Boscombe and Charminster Road areas previously covered by a Cumulative Impact Policy. This change will take effect when the new licensing policy comes into force shortly (we await confirmation of the specific date).
The Council have stated however if any relevant evidence is provided for a cumulative impact area it would be reviewed and the appropriate CIA assessment and consultation to include any new areas will be undertaken.
Similarly, following consultation on its licensing policy, Hartlepool Council have also made the decision to remove their existing cumulative impact special policy in force in Hartlepool, this will take effect from January 2021. The draft of the new licensing policy states “The licensing authority has carefully considered the issues of alcohol related crime, disorder and nuisance in Hartlepool and has determined not to publish any Cumulative Impact Assessments. “
As you will be aware, a Cumulative Impact Area (sometimes know as a special policy area) is a designated area where evidence has indicated that the number, type or density of licensed premises is impacting adversely on the licensing objectives. The key effect of such designated policy areas is that applications for new licences or material variations to existing premises licences for premises within these areas are subject to different policy considerations than usual and applicants will need to demonstrate why the grant of a their application is unlikely to add to the existing cumulative impact already being experienced in the area.”
For further information on this legal news or any other alcohol licensing issue, contact solicitor Suraj Desor on 0115 953 8500 or 07880 382 193.
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