Hotel and Guest Rooms
Mini bars must be licensed - so take care.
Playing cards
Can my customers play cards for money?
Banned from the Bar
As a licensee, who can I refuse entry to?
Premises to be leased
My lease is subject to the grant of a Premises Licence
Extending my premises
What do I need to consider?
Noise Abatement Notice and Review of Premises Licence
Sounding out noise notices
Old Embedded Conditions
Do I need to submit a minor variation to remove old embedded conditions?
Big Brother Breakdown
Is my licence at risk if part of my CCTV system breaks down?
Child Employment
Can I employ and under 16 year old?
Pavement Licences
What do you do when permission for a pavement licence is revoked?
Doorstaff numbers
Police pressure to increase doorstaff
Notice Requirements
Is my notice defective?