Q: I have noticed over recent years more and more premises are applying for Temporary Event Notices to allow them to show late night boxing on the TV. This seems to be an excellent way of drumming up business and doing something a little bit different. I would like to be able to stay open for some boxing this year and serve my customers with beer and hot food throughout the night whilst they watch the match. Can you let me know how I can go about this?
A: You will need to check the terms of your premises licence to see whether or not you can stay open and show late night boxing without the need for a TEN. For example, if you did want to serve hot food between 11:00pm and 05:00am you would need permission for late night refreshment. If you wanted to serve alcohol you would of course need permission for this during the hours that you would like to do so and, although you do not need permission for ‘Films’ to show live sporting events, if you are showing old pre-recorded footage as a warm-up beforehand then you would need this permission.
You might also want to think about any other entertainment that you are offering and ensure that, if required, this is included on your licence. Check any non-standard timings on your premises licence to see if you are allowed to stay open later on this particular day by virtue of a non-standard timing, such as extra hours for international sporting events (although check this definition with the police and council if not previously agreed). If your standard and non-standard hours do not permit you to do what you want to do, or there are restrictive conditions preventing you from operating as you wish, then you should apply for a TEN. Remember you may also need a PPL / PRS licence. There are many events throughout the year which you can make the most of, but remember you should think about each one carefully to ensure you can operate as you wish.
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