Q: One of my regulars is a real one armed bandit enthusiast. He even researches specific machines online. He has told me that my gaming machines should have information on them as to how much money the machine, on average, returns to the player. He called it ‘RTP’, or ‘Return to Player’. I cannot see it on my machines. Is it a requirement?
A: Yes, your gaming machine should have the details of the Return to Player percentage. It will likely be on a plate attached to the machine, or on a sticker. Sometimes it can be found within the help screen.
The machines should also display whether it is a Category C or D, and if it is a Category C that no under-18s can play. Whether C or D it should have a sticker signposting where the player can obtain gambling support services, for example from Gamcare.
It is technically your responsibility to ensure your machines comply with the requirement however, if you have any concerns, speak to your machine supplier.
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