Q: I want to create a party atmosphere around England’s Euro 2016 matches. One idea I’ve had is to offer a £1-a-pint on selected draft beers & ciders whilst England is winning. Can I do this?
A: Probably not. Any promotion designed to encourage the consumption of alcohol within a time limit like this is likely to be interpreted as an irresponsible drinks promotion under the Mandatory Conditions on your premises licence (one can imagine the scenes at the bar if England went one-up with ten minutes to go).
To be fair the definition of what is an irresponsible drinks promotion is often a ‘grey area’ and can trip up even the most careful of operators. My general advice is that any promotion designed to see a surge at the bar is likely to be viewed dimly by the enforcing authorities, and possibly as unlawful. Think very carefully about such promotions, discuss with the authorities if appropriate and if necessary take legal advice.
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