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The police then sort for the premises licence to be revoked, meaning the premises could lose its premises licence permanently.
Partner Jonathan Smith advised his client, who was the landlord and not the premise licence holder at the time of the COVID-19 breach (the person running the pub) to transfer the premises licence back into its name. At the hearing, Jonathan successfully argued that it was the previous tenant and not the landlord who was acting in contravention of COVID-19 guidance regulations.
As such, the premises should be allowed to keep its premises licence whilst a new tenant and designated premises supervisor was found and the pub could be run in accordance with COVID-19 regulations.
The police were represented by a licensing barrister. However, the licensing committee agreed with Jonathan Smith and the premises licence was kept whilst the landlord sort a new tenant and designated premises supervisor.
Important – We believe this is one of the first COVID-19 police revocation application that has not succeeded.
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